This tool is no official software from TaleWorlds Entertainment. Item Editor Mount and Blade Editors : Comments M&B Repository - File: M&B - Unofficial Troop Editor Mount and Blade: Morghs Editor Tutorial Part 1 - Items PC.
Also you should use a copy of your module (Native or else) and/or the module system, so you have a unchanged source for a new module. And for the module system editor the is required. Setup the required directories! Both directories have to contain the necessary files, for TXT editing, this means factions.txt, item_kinds1.txt, parties.txt, party_templates.txt and troops.txt. You will be prompted to choose the editing mode (module system and/or TXT files). The program requires no setup, it works with Microsoft’s VB6 runtime libraries, which are pre-installed at every Windows version since Windows 2000. This tool works with Mount & Blade WB/WFAS v1.113 up to v1.168 ! Mount & Blade Modding Contest Q3Scening Results (November 15th, 2019) Viking Conquest Reforged Edition 2.054 Released (October 9th 2019) Mount & Blade: Warband 1.174 Released (October 4th, 2018) Napoleonic Wars 1.
TXT compiled files (Warband and With Fire And Sword) This editor has a graphical user interface (GUI) for editing parts of the text-compiled game modules and also Taleworls Module System (Python script). Welcome to the official home of Morgh’s Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor!