I recommend getting the M77-B for 100 certs to start off with, and if you like bolt-action gameplay grab the RAMS. So essentially you have a scale of fast rechamber/reload + low(er) velocity rifles to slow rechamber/reload + high velocity rifles. Highest bullet damage, highest velocity, longest rechamber and reload times. Intended for long-range work, this is essentially a mid-point between the M77-B and RAMS. Recommend using no more than 7x optics with this one. Slightly faster bullet, slightly slower rechamber & reload times. Essentially a 6-12x optic version of the TSAR-42. TR bolt-actions (forgive me if I get the names wrong): Generally bolt-actions are considered the best, as PS2's semi-autos have insane cone-of-fire bloom if you fire them quickly, and people don't tend to sit still after the first headshot.